Piano 2
This course for ages 6+ is designed for students who have a solid understanding of note reading, basic rhythms and vocabulary and are comfortable playing expressively.
Students will begin engaging in more advanced sight-reading and composition as well as accompanying and higher level solo playing.
Available to ages 6+
​Price | $175/month
Duration | 60 minutes
Skills Learned
Posture and hand position
Expression of the mood/character of the piece
Use of the damper pedal
Maintain a steady pulse and play ritardando, a tempo and fermatas and ornaments
Legato/staccato and expression of musical sentences
Advanced dynamic contrasts including crescendo, diminuendo and varied accents
Ability to interpret the form of a piece of music
All major 5-note major and minor scales
Two note chords in C, G, D, E, A and F
All major white key octave scales and arpeggios
Beginning sight-reading
Supplies Needed
Levels are determined with the teacher​
Lesson BookNotespeller BookTechnique Book
Lesson BookNotespeller BookTechnique Book
Piano Pronto
Movement 1​
3-Ring Binder ​