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Christian Belousov
Christian Belousov

Bernese Gps Software Download ((LINK))

The Bernese GNSS Software is a scientific, high-precision, multi-GNSS dataprocessing software developed at theAstronomical Institute ofthe University of Bern(AIUB). Itis, e.g., used by CODE (Center for Orbit Determination in Europe) for itsinternational (IGS) and European (EUREF/EPN) activities.The software is in a permanent process of development and improvement.This website provides information on thefeatures of the software andhow to obtain it.Please refer to the support page for information on thetested platforms, bug fixes, and how to reach us for technical support.The current version the Bernese GNSS Software is "5.4", with the release date of"2022-10-23".To update an older version, please select the appropriate form from theOrder page. We also recommend to bring your softwareto the latest release level following theupdate procedure.

bernese gps software download

We present an attempt to improve the quality of the geomagnetic field measurements from the Polar Orbiting Geophysical Observatory (POGO) satellite missions in the late 1960s. Inaccurate satellite positions are believed to be a major source of errors for using the magnetic observations for field modelling. To improve the data, we use an iterative approach consisting of two main parts: one is a main field modelling process to obtain the radial field gradient to perturb the orbits and the other is the state-of-the-art GPS orbit modelling software BERNESE to calculate new physical orbits. We report results based on a single-day approach showing a clear increase of the data quality. That single-day approach leads, however, to undesirable orbital jumps at midnight. Furthermore, we report results obtained for a much larger data set comprising almost all of the data from the three missions. With this approach, we eliminate the orbit discontinuities at midnight but only tiny quality improvements could be achieved for geomagnetically quiet data. We believe that improvements to the data are probably still possible, but it would require the original tracking observations to be found.

The aim of our study is to attempt to correct the positions of the geomagnetic field measurements of the OGO missions using the advanced orbit software BERNESE and to check the new orbits by investigating how compatible the magnetic data are with a magnetic potential field. BERNESE takes an initial orbit and produces a new admissible orbit which is as close as possible to the old orbit. One can use BERNESE to show that the supplied OGO orbits are not physically possible orbits. The top panel of Fig. 1 shows that BERNESE alters OGO orbits by up to 200 m. For comparison, we show the same results for the much more recent CHAMP satellite from September 2004 in the bottom panel of the same figure. Note that the scale for the CHAMP data is a tenth of that for the OGO data. The ultimate aim of correcting orbit positions is to obtain satellite data with improved data quality for that time which then can further be used to study the 1969 jerk or to improve historical field models. This idea grew out of the 4th Ørsted International Science team meeting and is discussed in Jackson and Olsen (2003), and we present it in this special issue in the spirit of aiming to improve chracterisations of the secular variation of the historical field.

We would like to thank Markus Rothacher and Rolf Dach for the helpful discussions regarding the BERNESE GPS software. We thank Mike Purucker and Joe Cain for the assistance with POGO-related questions. This work was partially supported by NERC grant O/S/2001/01227 to the Geospace consortium. We also thank Andrey Sheyko for performing some initial calculations. The paper benefitted from reviews by R. Holme and an anonymous reviewer.

The various high precision GNSS data processing software above are GAMIT/ GLOBK, Bernese, GIPSY and PANDA. Bernese and PANDA were developed by the University of Bern in Switzerland and Wuhan University in China, thus they are not free of charge and the code of the software is not publicly available. The GIPSY software with a strong military background is not easy to obtain, and only GAMIT/GLOBK is a free software that can be obtained from public sources.

GAMIT software was originally developed by Massachusetts Institute of Technology, after the United States SCRIPPS Institute of Oceanography to develop improvements together [2]. GAMIT software continued to release an updated version; the latest version being GAMIT10.4. GAMIT software is one of the best GPS positioning orbit software in the world; and using double-difference model, when using the precise ephemeris and precision starting point, the relative accuracy of long baseline can reach 10-9, the accuracy of short baseline is better than 1 mm [3]. GAMIT is characterized by its high operation speed, short update cycle and higher degree of automation in accuracy within the permitted range. As a result, the application of the software is quite extensive.

The ideological core of the surveying adjustment software GLOBK is the Kalman filter; its main purpose is to deal with the integrated and multivariate measure data. The main input of the software is h-file and the approximate coordinates, which have been treated by GAMIT [4]. Of course, it has been successfully applied to process the integration data of other GPS software (e.g., Bernese and GIPSY) produced and other geodetic observations, including SLR data.

The following section of this article briefly describes the role of the main modules of the GAMIT software and the function of each module. Later, in the core part of the paper, we provide a detailed statement of the data processing step of GAMIT software, which gives the results compared with Bernese software, and draw the appropriate conclusions.

GAMIT software mainly consists of five modules: ARC of orbit integration module for satellite motion equations numerical integration to determine the satellite orbit; MODEL of partial derivatives to generate observation equation; AUTCLN of automatic repair cycle slips; the cycle slip repair modules, which also includes: SINCLN (single station automatic repair cycle slips), DBLCLN (double station automatic repair cycle slips), CVIEW (artificial repair cycle slips); CFMRG module to create the observation method file (M-file) for the SOLVE, define and select the relative parameters; The module of SOLVE used double difference observations by the least squares method to solve the various parameters.

Files need to be updated everyday, which include Earth rotation parameters ut1 and pole (the command sh_get_orbits used to download IGS files. The two files will automatically be downloaded). Files need to be updated annually, including nutation table nutabl., Sun table soltal., Moon table luntab and leap seconds table leap.sec. When a new receiver or antenna is added, it needs to be updated rcvant. dat; and the new satellite launched needs updating svnav.dat. The encoded file dcb. dat needs updating on a monthly basis.

The analysis revealed that the baseline RMS value of the GAMIT solver is several centimeter, while baseline RMS of the BERNESE solver is at sub millimeter. This is mainly because the BERNESE software uses the PPP solver as initial value of the baseline solver, the overall improvement of RMS about an order of magnitude. Both baseline differences are consistent less than 1 cm in millimeter level. Relative accuracy of the baseline in GAMIT solver maintained at level 10-9.

Particular attention: If error of the approximate coordinates in the lfile more than 10 m, during the Kalman filter processing, GLOBK program will automatically delete the station in which errors overrun (three times in error), and the coordinate of that station will be 0. The results were compared with the Bernese precise point positioning (PPP) results. All stations adjustment results are mentioned in Table 3. According to Figure 7, we can be sure that the station coordinates process results by GAMIT consistent with BERNESE within 1 to 2 cm. The results showed that the GAMIT software is suitable for handling long baseline and the results are reliable [6].

The results of the experiment show that the precision of inner coincidence of baseline solution by GAMIT can reach centimeter level. Compared with the Bernese software, the difference in baseline is about millimeter, difference of coordinate component is about 1-2 cm, and the precision is quite high. The experiments were selected long baseline, indicating that GAMIT has a great capability in processing baseline, and the performance of the software is reliable.


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